Sunday, June 28, 2009


Grr... so I just watched Ron Moore's new sorta TV-show premiere, sorta TV-movie Virtuality. If you live in the US you should too.

I'm angry and a little bit hurt, not because it's bad. No, quite to the contrary it has all the makings of what could be a great show, mystery, drama, intrigue. Chances are, it never will become one. I'm angry because it only got a handful of viewers last Friday, potentially ruining the slim chance it had of becoming a continued series. However getting shoved into the Friday night death slot, in the summer in the same week as a major movie release, I'm not sure how many viewers they could have been realistically expecting.

Words of wisdom to any aspiring young writers or directors: If you've got some sort of brilliant idea for something fresh or smart, don't go to Fox. Seriously, the corpses of Firefly, Arrested Development, Futurama and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles are still rotting on their front porch.

I desperately want this to get picked up. Maybe this will receive the same grace that Dollhouse did?

1 comment:

Dan said...

"Seriously, the corpses of Firefly, Arrested Development, Futurama and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles are still rotting on their front porch."

Let's not forget Harsh Realm...