Monday, February 21, 2011

Hurfen Durfzeit

Howdy Interpersons, here's my COTN 2011 Lewt. Not quite as interesting as my COTN 2010 Lewt.

Monday, February 14, 2011

One Final Scream into the Uncaring Void

I guess this is really last minute, I got caught up into too much stuff in the last couple of weeks to make a fancy poster this year.

But if there's anyone left out there who wishes to hear it, the V-day show is happening tonight, Feburary 14th at 6PM CST.

There will be music, Skype calls and unfortunately no alcohol because it's a school night.

Damn, I haven't posted on here in a year, so much is happened, but I've relegated it all to my Facebook. Maybe I should do some kind of grand Year in Review post, though I probably won't.